Originally Posted by Gabe15
The true M. flaviflora has not been seen in a long time. Simmonds had it in Trinidad during his time, but his collection is mostly gone from what I have heard. Who knows what the M. flaviflora on the market is though. In addition, a new species M. chunii appears to be similar to what M. flaviflora is supposed to look like.
Hi Gabe
Aaah, not quite correct. It features in H J Noltie's Flora of Bhutan (1994). Along with a checklist for the taxonomic differences between Flaviflora and Thomsonii.
As to the Flaviflora seeds which were on the market, whilst I cannot be certain what mine is (yet) I do know what it isnt. I'll just have to hope i can get it to flower next year. I have e mailed the seed supplier in holland for details of the provenance of the seeds.
Noltie also refers to at least one other as yet unidentified Rhodochlamys species and speculates that "several other species of this section are highly likely to occur in Bhutan"
I can't open the e papers on Musa Chunii. I would be interested in seeing them if you could PM or email them to me. to see how the characteristics differ.