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Old 10-31-2008, 10:32 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Location: Ecuador, South America
Zone: USDA 13 / Köppen-Geiger BSh
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Actually, Shishkin-les, there's a daily price up in the left hand corner of the AEBE site. Banana prices in Ecuador are regulated by the government, so what you see there is the true per-case price for any banana you purchase in Ecuador.

The government has been regulating banana prices since about 2000, when the country dollarized, in order to maintain a fair return for small producers.

Today, it looks like the case-price is USD$ 4.70 and it tends to fluctuate weekly according to world demand. The highest I've ever seen it is around $7 per case, and the lowest was about $2.50

When that little box says "vigente" they're reporting the actual price (the "in force" price). If it ever says "estimado" they're estimating.

And if you want the AEBE site translated into English, try this link, which is Google-translated.

Best of luck. The Guayaquil Stock Exchange used to have the spot banana price as well, but it looks like they've stopped publishing it since the AEBE got into the act.
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