Originally Posted by rohsen
First of all nice to meet you guys!! Gabe, for species proliferating too fast you may want to consider using a growth retardant such as Paclobutrazol. im attaching a publication on use of this and other substances with musa. you'll find it an interesting read! as for embryogenesis .. not so much a different project as you think, very do-able especially if you have a protocol and media formulations.....! which are , naturally , attached!
I dont see to much here on temporary immersion systems, and if there ever was one technique for making loads of musa ....
I have used it succesfully with papaya pineapple and other species.
Thanks for the papers Dave. I would love to try all of these things out one day, but I've been so busy that I don't have time to be making different media for side project this semester, I just use what our lab produces for normal micropropagation for the time being. Hopefully I will have more free time next semester and can experiment more with different media for things like embryo rescue (I use the normal microprop. media which works sometimes, but not always great), somatic embryogenesis, and these hard to culture Musa.