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Old 11-19-2008, 10:31 PM   #9 (permalink)
California Nana Grower
Location: Simi Valley,California
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Name: Mitch
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Bananas Brindando Re: My Poor Praying Hands

Well this evening I was visited by the homeowner next door about 15 minutes ago.I had a light ready before he showed to show him what his repairman did but anyway's he reached into his tool box on his work truck to grab his flashlight so he could see better.He had the gump to tell me that I was crazy to be so mad and pissed about the loss of this banana,and of accusing his day labors that they broke it.I showed him the plant and he started to walk away.I told him that I wanted to be compensated for the loss so he told me to fax over the invoice to this number he rambled out of his mouth so fast I didn't have anything to write on.So as he went off running away with out telling me that he would reimburse me and he threw his flashlight back in the tool box so I tossed in my invoice for the one that I had bought from Stokes Tropicals.I had to ask him when I would be reimbursed.I told him I wanted to order a replacement this week he got so mad about it so he wrote me a check for $57.90 to replace my Praying Hands so as he drove off cussing at me for be a prick about the poor banana he called it and for causing a problem being his neighbor.I am going to celebrate tonight with a toast to winning my case.

I got my way tonight and I feel really good.


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