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Old 12-03-2008, 07:11 PM   #65 (permalink)
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Default Re: M. itinerans var. xishuangbannaensis after a few hard frosts

In keeping with the title of this thread...

My Musa itinerans var. itinerans stems felt nice and solid today, and we have had many, many nights below freezing. In fact, I have recorded a low of 12F in November (the official low at the airport was 15F)! A couple of other high teens, and a whole bunch of temps in the 20s Fahrenheit. So, I cut the stems down a few notches and took a look in the middle. The middle was still as green as could be. I have protected them this afternoon, and will post some pics of my complicated protection scheme later on. I'm hoping for a couple of flowers in the spring! One of the neat attributes of this species is that it doesn't take too long for the fruits and seeds to mature, because of the cool nature of its native habitat. Maybe I can try to cross it with my Musa basjoo, if it flowers also.

Oh, and I sliced into my Musa itinerans 'India Form' pseudostems today also, and found the same result! Green, living tissue in the middle. So, I protected them also. I have a feeling that it will be close to the same hardiness as var. itinerans is.
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