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Old 12-09-2008, 10:41 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Default Re: Help I Have Mites!

I've been fighting the little buggers in the garage for the past few weeks now too; they seem to be a lot worse this year, but it may just be bc I have so many extra bananas and soft-tissue plants in there this year. There are close to 60 nanners in the garage (and this is the LAST time I'm doing that). They also LOVE the Christmas Palms, which I've always fought them on.

I've sprayed with a Neem Concentrate several times now, which initially reduces their numbers, but I'm worried it's stressing the plants a bit (maybe it's my imagination). The neem also seemingly causes the aphid population to explode (which doesn't surprise me, it happened last year too). So water spraying seems to help. If they keep up, I may go to a more pure neem oil spray, though I've tried to keep as many chemicals off the plants as I can. Being only December though, I've still got 3-4 months left to fight these annoying things. I may just chop off the majority of my banana leaves and stop watering them as much - it's warm in the garage (65-70F) with high humidity, but they should slow their growth with lack of water. And that'd mean less mites/aphids to fight.

So I feel your pain
Malama 'Aina

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