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Old 09-07-2006, 09:53 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Default Re: Winter time again....I need a cheap greenhouse....

Believe it or not, all my nanners will go into topside beds permanantly when all is said and done. So will my taro tho I still keep backups under protection. The greenhouse is for my tender tropicals - cacao theobroma, coffea arabica, vanilla planifolia, cashew, tropical yams, boswellia sacra, piper nigrum, etc etc etc... The sandstone is piled up on either side of the pit currently - when I pour the footings up topside and install the permanant cover, the risers for the cover will be bermed - I'll have a 15' to 20' of headroom from the final sloped cover and the top of the pit will be carved to be 20' wide to fit the wider canopy when all is said and done. And why can't I play on big toys? No, this time I had a professional friend do it. Professional friend - that sounded weird - yeah, I pay him to be my friend. No, a professional back-hoe driver.

While the pit is under development - the current cover will only be temporary while I weld together the permanant one - they'll be in containers. When permanantly covered and the walls cleaned up some, I'll take a pick and carve out permanent beds for the plants and they'll go into the ground.

I guess I shouldn't mention the 25' diameter pit I'm starting that I'll cover with a geodome to house a pair of coconut palms.

No worries about the water. Our water table is a steady 16.5' rain or dry. I could probably hand-dig a well in the corner of the greenhouse if I chose, tho we already have a well. It would be neat tho. Anyway, it's poured down in there numerous times since it was dug with no problems whatsoever - it drains fairly rapidly.

And that is some very fine very pure white sand! Break that sandstone up and it's almost a fine gritty powder! I could sell that stuff!

Be well,

Originally Posted by momoese View Post
Now that's some serious Banana dedication!

Where did all the old sand stone go?

Did you drive the back-hoe?

Will the plants be in the ground or containers?

Any chance it will fill full of water from the surrounding sandstone expelling water into it?
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