Re: Ingredients
What is the wattage and lens size of the Fresnel? Is it a mini-me, or something larger? Which company made it (Source 4, LekoLite, etc.) If you know, I can give you an estimate of the heat output for it...
Personally, I'd make an aluminum-can heat collector, as Scot suggested, and focus the main beam on this - if it's bigger than a mini-me, then you can select hard or soft beam; the hard-beam option concentrates more heat than the diffuse (kind of obvious when you think about it.) Depending on the size of the instrument and the wattage of the lamp, you'll want to place it about 1-3' away from the collector. Again, if you tell me a bit more about your Fresnel, then I can tell you more accurately what you can and can't expect from it...