Thread: Fert's
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Old 12-31-2008, 01:44 AM   #19 (permalink)
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Default Re: Fert's

Thanks, that is a great photo of the label. The nitrogen content is about 1/2 Urea-based, so definitely keep this product away from orchids, bromeliads, hydroponics, and other soil-less situations. It has a good composition of minerals but nothing you won't find in a standard agricultural product.

O.K., so the Algoflash General Purpose "6-6-6" 5-liter bottle is $40 for about 13.5 lbs of net product. This bottle contains (6% x 13.5 lbs) 0.81 lbs net of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium (each). That works out to (40 / 0.81) $49.38 per net lb of Nitrogen or Potassium, take your pick. Either way, this is an extremely overpriced fertilizer.

Looking closely at the label, I could offer a product with the very same contents. Here would be my costs:
  • 5-liter plastic bottle, cap, and seal: $1.50
  • Fancy labels on both sides of bottle: $0.50
  • 4 lbs of acid-forming 20-20-20 with micronutrients: $4.50
  • 4 liters of distilled water: $0.50
  • Production line (fill and seal) fee: $1.00
  • Transporting materials and bottles to/from production line: $0.30
Total cost: $8.30. Now even with added advertising and labor costs, it seems that $40 is way out of line.

But I never will offer such a product. Although 6-6-6 is a good general purpose formula, with little effort you can do better and often for less money.
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