Re: New member from South Florida
Hey Bob,
You can try the various vendors on ebay from Thailand. Their selection of plumeria is really great especially the Variegated and the dwarf types. Now, a few nurseries there are concentrating on the dwarf form which max at 4-5ft in height and full of blooms. I have 1 type with me and it's really cute.
In terms of ginger related plants, they also have a great selection of cucurma's and species. These don't do too well over here as they are seasonal and go dormant in their summer months. When I grow them here in our climate which is very much wetter, they keep on growing without rest resulting in smaller blooms. Then they will finally knock off to a deep sleep and regenerate with big blooms. I feel bad for them in this situation.
Tog Tan has sadly suddenly passed away 6/16/09. We will miss you Tog Tan.