Re: Fertilizer Application Technique
I also use grass clippings as mulch! I water right on top of the mulch / compost. I like to water in one gallon with Fert mixed in, then after the next day or two when I water the assume the ferts drip down to the root ball. I also figured that the grass will absorbed a small amount of the fert that it will release again as it starts to break down. Now that my yard worms have found the grass / mulch pile around the base of my banana tree's the grass clippings are starting to disappear pretty quick now. I also like to cut up leafs and parts of the steam and use them as mulch also. I would defiantly say do not move the grass clippings / mulch AT ALL! Unless digging up, Richard is correct! My Ice Cream has a large amount of roots in the mulch at this point. I know when to add more because I start to see exposed roots dieing back from the sun exposure.