Originally Posted by Richard
Grass clippings are so thin and break down so fast they are a poor deterrent to weeds in the summer time.
Notice that grass clippings are 2% Nitrogen and Fish Emulsion is only 4%. You could put down an extra pound of grass clippings per plant and skip the Fish Emulsion altogether. The grass clippings have a better nutrient profile anyway, and don't have the trace amounts of heavy metals and machine oils associated with Fish Emulsion.
Great info! More then I even knew, I just knew that Grass was high in nitrogen and once it breaks down provides a good source of micro nurt's. Do you think if you water to much it will wash out all the micro nurt's into the ground making the grass break down slower? In my case I don't think I could slow the break down process even if I wanted to because of all the active worms I got going on.