Originally Posted by Nicolas Naranja
Does anyone know what the cardinal temperatures are for Bananas? I've read that the base is 14C and I am guessing that the top might be 30C, but I'm not sure.
Degree Days are the number of days with at least 8 hours at or above a median temperature a specific fruit cultivar takes to produce mature fruit after the blossoms have set fruit.
As with almost every kind of fruit, the degree days for banana depends on the group it is from and sometimes the specific strain. I have seen published reports of a 45 degree-day banana and a 180 degree-day banana. For navel oranges, most require 190 degree-days with a median temperature in the 70's (F), there is a 170 degree-day cultivar that tastes terrible, and also a 220 degree-day cultivar that tastes great and works very well in coastal environments.