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Old 01-13-2009, 12:18 PM   #15 (permalink)
The causasian Asian!
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Default Re: what do you get out of gardening

Simplicity, enjoyment, awe, beauty, peace, contentment, tranquility, patience, harmony, joy, relaxation, stretching, hope, imagination, friendship, dreams, satisfaction, triumph, happiness, reflection, celebration, curiosity and appreciation.

With plants there no egos, no agendas, no loud noises, few demands and tremendous rewards. It anchors me in my place in God's world and reminds me to appreciate and to be humble.

At age 7-10 I remember my cousin showing some maple seedlings to me. This impression caused me to try the same thing when I returned home. Those seeds became mighty maple trees that still stand today some 40-45 years later. The last time I saw them was perhaps 15 years ago and I hope that I will see them once more. There are memories of family, friends and simpler times buried in the center of those trees. Whenever I see them, I reflect back to those days and it fills my eyes with tears.

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