Re: what are you using for potting soil?
I have been invited to post my comment about miracle gro potting soil, so please don't think I am being disagreeable. I am just speaking from my own experience in central Florida. And maybe some of you are in Florida, too, and your experience has been great using miracle gro. I would advise anyone to keep using what works for them. My experience has been just the opposite. I also admit I have not used it in at least 3 years. I have a nursery and have never used it on the business side of my property. I did use it for some personal plantings. Most notable was the rose bushes I had great hopes for. They already looked great. I repotted them in miracle gro and within a month they were all dead. I also used it on some gingers and some ground orchids with the same results. If that was not enough, there were dead plants brought back to the nursery. They left here healthy. The common denominator in every case was miracle gro potting soil. So my personal experience has turned me completely against it. But I love and use the liquid fertilize by miracle gro.
And just on the side, I noted later that the pictures of the plants on the bag and in the ads were of annuals. So rightly or wrongly I concluded I was using it for the wrong plants. But it just doesn't work for me.
I use the commercial soilless mix now with no fertilize added for all my plants, not just those in the nursery. And I add fertilize after they have time to settle in. But if I were buying a potting soil from the store I would probably amend it with compost, vermiculite, wood chips or whatever it needed to be arable, fast draining, but hold enough moisture for the plants.