When you search for new threads, and when you view the list of threads in a particular sub-forum, to the left of the thread title is an icon. That icon tells you a bit of information about the thread.
The legend of what each icon means is listed at the bottom of the list of threads. This is it though:
| New posts | | Hot thread with new posts |
| No new posts | | Hot thread with no new posts |
| Thread is closed | | You have posted in this thread |
Yesterday I changed the algorithm that determines what makes a thread hot or not. Now that the Society is a little larger, I felt it made more sense as more and more threads were becoming hot and the value of being hot wasn't as it used to be. So hot threads were being overlooked. Now, when you see a hot thread, you know it's
really hot.
Feel free to remind me each year or two to update this should a lot of hot threads always be present.