Thread: searching
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Old 01-19-2009, 07:08 PM   #2 (permalink)
Northern Tropics
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Default Re: searching

I will have some of those plants this spring, and I ship. I don't think I ordered the beccarii, because Agristarts even says they hate any temps below 60 degrees. You might want to rethink that one for wisconsin!
I have ensete maurelii, ice cream, velutina, dwarf red, bordelon, dwarf namwah, margarita, coccinea (red blooming ornamental and much hardier then beccarii), colocasia Jack's Giant, mini, cardaba, basjoo, williams hybrid, chinese yellow, zebrina, and other cool ornamental plants such as tobacco, solanum quitoense, hardy hibiscus, and my weird plants for this year are going to be artichoke and cotton.
You can check out my online store Northern Tropics for pictures of some of these.
Sandy Burrell

Northern Tropics Greenhouse
1501 East Fuson Road
Muncie, IN 47302

specializing in bananas, heirloom tomatoes and water gardening plants~
check out our new online store at our website!
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