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Old 01-20-2009, 10:36 AM   #19 (permalink)
Been nuts, gone bananas
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Default Re: Banana bunches harvested December 28, 2008

Jen, this is the first time this unknown "mystery" banana has fruited for me, so I don't know how it would taste if the fruit was fully grown/matured. It was supposed to be Dwarf Orinoco and, after four years or so of growing this, I finally got one to flower but at about 10 feet tall. These fruits probably would have continued getting larger and developing more flavor if I had another couple of months of growing weather, but I have no way of proving that since I haven't had it fruit before and I don't know what it is. It really only had about two months of growing though, since we get pretty cool by November. We didn't get frost until around mid-December so I just left the fruit on until my leaves turned brown, hoping that they were benefiting from photosynthesis that was still going on.

Mitchel posted a photo recently of some other bananas that he had to pick very early that were not filled out and they still turned yellow and ripened. Again, I'm sure flavor was seriously lacking in those bananas while mine are somewhere between "fair" and "good".


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