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Old 09-13-2006, 08:42 PM   #46 (permalink)
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Default Re: Time to put the bananas to sleep for the Winter

Nucci, I haven't supported the pseudostems going back into the ground in the Spring one time yet. I fill the planting hole with all sorts of great organic matter, and some slow release Osmocote. Then, I pack some of the native clay around the base of the plant. Haven't had one knocked over yet, but I imagine that I've gotten lucky also. I have read, and will try it this year, that where bananas are commercially grown, they fruit earlier and produce bigger bunches if the plant is planted deeper in the hole. Of course, that is in tropical areas, where the soil doesn't ever get cold. I've always planted my bananas with the corm just a few inches below the surface. I am going to plant some quite a bit deeper this Spring and see what happens. Looks like I'll have a bunch of fruiting-sized pseudostems again next year, so I have a few to experiment with. I'm also going to use black plastic to warm up the soil in the Spring. We need to take advantage of any and all tricks to help us get fruit as early as possible here in zone 7. I just hope I don't get any real late bloomers this year, but i probably will. One is pushing a bloom out now, as a matter of fact. Wasted bananas!

Jeff, I'm sure I'll get tired of the routine someday. It's still fun though right now, and I have a healthy back, so I'll keep doing it. I really would like a house with a full-sized basement, and my next house will have to have that! Sure would make life a lot easier. I'm not growing Saba, but I did add Kandrian this year. It's still a relatively small plant, but I've seen full-sized pseudostems...HUGE! Not quite as big as Saba, but they are quite large! Thankfully, I only have one small pseudostem of that variety to deal with this Fall.

Scooterbug, where are you moving to? Glad you enjoyed the post! I'll post some pics of ripe fruit in November.

Joe, that is hilarious! Thankfully, I will only have to haul them a few feet this Fall, not 180 miles!
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