Re: Germination the easy way
Just put the rest of my E. perrieri seed embryos onto the new medium this evening. These are much easier to find than ingens embryos. Big difference when they are dry versus soaked! Once the water hydrates the endosperm, I found it very difficult to locate the embryos, even though I knew where they were supposed to be.
I believe I had 12 E. perrieri embryos that made it to culture. I am sure Gabe has not mentioned how many go flying across the room when you crack them sometimes! (hahaha!) I probably have 4 embryos in carpet medium now! Not holding much hope for their survival, although the carpet does have plenty of dirt, who knows!
I will try to post some pics, but my camera does not have quite the resolution that Gabes has.
Well, back to the TC's, I have 16 plantlets to divide, but first I need to prepare more medium and fill some jars. Guess I will be here for awhile.