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Old 01-22-2009, 05:20 AM   #26 (permalink)
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Talking Re: Musa acuminata subsp malaccensis - Grandaddy of edible 'naners

I am only 3 days late to post on this!! Talking about being at the forefront of banana discovery...

We have all now established that Malaysia is the place to be, but most of us can't get there. So I think Tog you need to expand on your jungle reporting and start YouTubing!! I think we definitely need a banana channel on TV!

Talking about food: Biggest mistake I ever made in Thailand when I was still travel inexperienced was to eat Spaghetti Bolognese on a small island without electricity. Big mistake. I am happy I got down alive. And here is a word to all the hippy travellers you can find in those remote places because they apparently 'cool': 'You are a greatly unhelpful lot, just caring about yourself!'. No movie has ever revived memories of the past as much as 'The Beach'. Those who have seen it will know what I mean, I guess.

On a slightly more banana note: In Sri Lanka I came across a banana which was as waxy underneath as the one on your picture Tog. On top of that I seem to remember (but my memories are fading now) that even the upper side of the leaves were very waxy. It was in a botanical garden, but the plant was in a neglected corner, and I believe was not deliberately planted there. I now believe that that might have been the Musa acuminate ssp. that grows wild there. Gabe, please remind me of the name - I have forgotten. Your pictures Tog reminded me of this. I was so taken by the white appearance that I would have almost become a thief, would I have had some tools for digging.

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