Okay, I've been a bit slow, but here is a bit of an enticement I mentioned to Scot last week. I just went out and checked to confirm my inventory.
For the next 10 people that sign up for the workshop, I will give one free pup or corm (size and variety subject to what I can dig up and fit in a car along with passengers Benny and Microfarmer). Most of these will be what I posted previously as blooming in early September and being harvested in late December. I finished off the fruit last week and, after being allowed to fully ripen up, everyone agreed these were great little bananas. I don't know how much bigger the fruit would have become if given a longer growing season. For now, I suspect Mitchel's guess of Namwah is correct. Read my old posts for more comments (busy bee photo is linked to the post). A few pups or corms may be from what I believe to be Dwarf Orinoco (Joe Real bought it as Dwarf Brazilian but I've had three independent comments made to me that the plant and fruit looks like Dwarf Orinoco). Joe disagrees, however, and believes it to be Dwarf Brazilian. You can grow it and decide for yourself. A few others might be what I believe to be Rajapuri (that's what it was sold to me as, but it looks a little bit off). I have a thread discussing these other two back in my old posts also.
If I have enough energy and time, I may bring some more for the others who already signed up but, for now, you'll just have to settle on sharing my presence. LOL
I believe Scot has the names of those registered now and this offer will remain until Scot says we've reached 16 participants. If the workshop gets canceled, so does this offer. Sorry, but I just don't care to go through the hassles of shipping, etc.
Most of these are large to very large pups (3' to 7' tall) so I would be doing a lot of whacking back so that Benny and Microfarmer don't stick me on the roof of the car.
I reserve the right to set additional rules as there may be some complications I haven't foreseen. For instance, I'll probably let people chose what they get in the order they signed up from this point forward, but I don't know if that can be tracked very well since that creates more of a headache for Carol.