Thread: Musa Manzano
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Old 02-06-2009, 11:56 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Default Re: Musa Manzano

You should plant the pup at the same depth as it was when it was dug from the ground when Fernie separated it. Sometimes it's harder to tell than others, but the psuedostem should be lighter where it was beneath the soil.

Assuming you moistened the compost before you planted it, you often don't need to water again until it shows some growth, especially since you didn't use perlite. Using perlite helps avoid overly wet soil which is especially important for a plant that is developing roots and not growing much. Depending on how warm and dry your home is, you can probably get by with checking the soil's moisture in a couple of weeks and give a small amount of water if it is a little dry. Until it's growing vigorously, it won't need much water.

Many pups are killed by over-watering so just be careful of keeping the soil too wet. You don't want it fully saturated.

Good luck!
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