Here's some pics of fruit just starting out - - the round one is chocolate pudding fruit, black sapote, or black persimmon - - Diospyros digyna.
The second much smaller fruit and the flowering shrub is carambola, star fruit, - - Averrhoa carambola. We've had to resort to hand pollination - the blue barred bees eat the flowers and the native bees and European bees don't seem to be interested and this fruit is from yesterdays hand pollination.
Both are well worth growing if you don't have frosts. There's nothing quite like either fruit - the chocolate pudding fruit tastes like the chocolate custard fed to babies and the carambola if it is left on the tree to go orange is honey sweet and tropical flavoured - and the amount of juice rivals a good mango. Both of the fruit when you buy buy them in the shops are a pale shade of what you can get in your own yard.