Not sure about you guys over in the U.S., Canada and mainland Europe, but, It's been a tough winter here in the U.K.,(worst in 20 years). Whilst we're not 'out of the woods' yet, can I throw it out to the Northern Hemisphere growers to ask; what is your vote for 'banana of the winter' 2009? I'm sure there is a way to set this up as a poll, but it's beyond me, if you know how to do this (moderators?) then please move this thread.
Can I ask members what their,
'banana of the winter 2009', is please?
I'll start:- My #1 is;
Ensete Ventricosum 'Montbelliardii'; the most upright form of the Ensete Ventricosum 'red form', has barely stopped growing, in a big 'half barrel' tub, barely watered, in a frost protected (Min 4 C) poly tunnel. It will be a massive plant for zone 8 this year , maybe 4/5M,(to leaf tips) with big, big (3m) leaves... not strictly a banana (Musa) but what a star plant (Musella Lasiocarpa great too!).