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Old 02-20-2009, 07:59 AM   #1 (permalink)
Tog Tan
Ensete nut
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Joy Musa violascens Germination

First one popped just after 33 days!

Hi people, the seeds germinating here are from the first bunch of fruits I collected from the wild late last year. When I had the fruits, they were still rock hard and I just left it under shade outside my house. After a week, they started to soften up so I decided to clean the seeds for germination.

In all they were in soak for 5 days. I then sowed them into a plastic box which you people call deli box. The media was a standard seed mix, moist, but not overly wet. It took approx 33 days from the date of sowing for the first seed to pop. Temp was high 90+F during the day and 80F during the night.

Ok, since I have done it, let's hear from the people who received the seeds from me! The interesting thing about M-v seeds is that once they are dried, they will float when you soak them. ALL of them!

I am looking forward to your posts!

Tog Tan has sadly suddenly passed away 6/16/09. We will miss you Tog Tan.
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