Dwarf Cav...
Let's see what the 'experts' have to say about my pot-o-gold. I purchased a dwarf cavendish from a local nursury at the end of last April when it was about 6 inches tall and still in a 3-1/2" pot. Now, its in a 20" mouth x 18" deep pot. It is roughly 3-1/2 to 4 feet tall and steadily kicking out leaves. The only problem I can see is the 2 pups it has, one is about 2 inches and the other is about 1 inch and they both have been that way since about thanksgiving. The plant as a whole has not seen temps below 60 degrees, gets regular watering and feeding.
So, now tell me, you think i will be getting fruit this year? am i using a big enough pot? is the plant "hibernating" deeming that the pups arent growing but look well? I will post some pics in my profile later on today when I get home. Thank you in advance for your help and comments.
LOL! My house doesnt exist on the member map!
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