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Old 09-25-2006, 07:19 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Default Re: greenhouse storage

Unless it's been very warm for a protracted period of time and the nanners are actively growing, I don't feed. A whole winter can go by without feeding if it's pretty cold. If they're not growing, they're not going to need the ferts anyway - what is left in the soil is about all they'll use if at all. I also slow down fertilizing in the Fall when it gets cooler as well. I don't start until I see active growth and it's been reliably warm at least in the greenhouse.

Be well,

Originally Posted by imdocrob View Post
I just built a new greenhouse 6x10 and have put my nanners in there. They seem to be doing just fine. I guess the best thing to look for is moisture control. How often does one need or should fertilize during the winter when they are all but dormant in the greenhouse. I would anticipate trying to keep the temp around 50-60 degrees during the night if that sounds good. Any other suggestions from the forum?
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