Thread: Musa Danee?
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Old 03-14-2009, 04:14 PM   #16 (permalink)
Orang Puteh
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Bananas Brindando Re: Musa Danee?

Asian language seems like it's phoenetically translated to English by the individual writing it. Tog for example always uses the latin when describing something plant wise. In restaurants I can claim some expertise...... Tofu and Dofu for example mean the same thing. I wouldn't get too hung up on names used for sales purposes..........try to get the latin if you want real info.
Tog, any info about the know I and many love hearing this stuff...............Kind of like the "pin" and the double flower you told us about a while back.....................B

Mark, did you order your's from thailand?(ebay perhaps) I've heard good and bad and trying to collect info on this subject. Were there any roots on it at all?
The more info anyone will share about imported bananas from Thailand will help us all.

Got to go , today was the unoficial St.Patricks celebration and parade here.............over ate.....too much drink................must couch,,,,,,,,,,,,fast.........ugh...................
Click for Morris Plains, New Jersey Forecast
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