Re: Student farm
It's all Bob's fault, Gabe! :P I think Gabe gets more $B for us replying to his thread, though, even if it has absolutely nothing to do with his topic. I would like to come see your student farm sometime, Gabe.
Mitchel, I have some pawpaw seedlings that are pretty old and had planned on grafting them but am not so sure I want to go through with it. There is some controversy over annonacin (sp?) content that Richard can also add to. It has had some neurological consequences but it's not known if fruits like pawpaw and cherimoya are also potential problems. There are some pawpaw varieties which have been found in tests to have lower levels so I probably should graft my seedlings to those.
The same friend that visited the "durian lady" has a couple of pawpaw in the Sacramento area that produce decent crops for him. A couple of years ago he brought a bag of fruits for me to try. They tasted great but I really found the large number of seeds to take away from the experience for me.
Since I'm on a roll of suggesting road trips for you, you could drive to Ohio this summer where they have a pawpaw festival! lol