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Old 03-23-2009, 09:20 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Default Re: AZ41 - multi-purpose spray

Originally Posted by Richard View Post
The website store lists $49.95 for a two-liter bottle. This is a ridiculous price. I can obtain a surprisingly equivalent product from Grow More and sell it for $10.85 with a 100% profit.

Unlike Grow More products, we are not selling and shipping a lot of water, but super concentrate. One 8-ounce bottle will make 32 gallons. And our 2-liter bottle would make anywhere from 250 to 1,000 gallons mixture. Depending on crop and timing of application.

The price per bottle of the product doesn't count at all. How does it affect your bottom line and your health is what counts. Wow much do you spend all in all when you use the product, how much you will save by eliminating the other products, and how much will you get from additional yield and better prices for better quality products. And based on that, you can decide if you will become a repeat customer.

Many farms have various needs, different situations, different local problems. The typical product cost of AZ41 application could be as low as $5/acre, as an additive to their existing spray program. Total application cost would be between $10 to $300 per acre depending on type of crop and problems, but it would save the farmers their health which is priceless, and the use of expensive toxic chemicals which can run anywhere from $150 to $1,500 per acre with no added yield benefits, only to maintain yield or close to it.

For example, one of the pioneering farmers in Caruthers have improved yield of 25% on the average and he got better prices for better quality raisins when using this product. Although he spent $3,000 on AZ41 for the 40 acre farm, he saved $12,000 by not buying most of the toxic chemicals that he normally uses, and his added income came to be about $24,000 from the 40 acre farm. He's been a very loyal customer and is spreading the word to other farmers and especially to other member growers going into the same packing facility as they were surprised at the excellent quality of his raisins. He has completed CCOF certification and would be able to sell his raisin grapes as organic product for a much better price next year.

We know that local mileage could vary. The best way is to test the product and follow closely how it is to be used and tested even in small scale and try to see if you get the direct crop benefits. Then weigh it together with how safe the product is to you, to the environment and to the consumer of your produce.


Last edited by JoeReal : 05-04-2009 at 01:01 PM.
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