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Old 03-23-2009, 09:56 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Default Re: AZ41 - multi-purpose spray

Originally Posted by saltydad View Post
Joe- As many of my nanas are planted around my pond which contains fish and hardy and tropical plants, what is the effect on aquatics? I noted it has copper in it, which worried me about spraying near the pond. Thanks.

We noted that it is INCOMPATIBLE with copper-based products and AZ41 itself has no significant amount of copper to cause havoc on aquatic life. AZ41 has only trace contents in the ppm region, then you dilute it 250 to 1000 times . We have other products specifically for aquatic ponds with fishes, but that will come later after we have finished running through the hoops of registration.

We recommend NOT to mix any copper containing product during the spraying because it can render both products, AZ41 and the copper-based product, ineffective.

One excellent property of AZ41 is that it has sticker properties because of its saponnins, a natural surfactant that breaks the surface tension of water and is able to wet even between the "hairs" of tomatoes and eggplants. Having a sticker property, you can mix it with other foliar fertilizers at the same time and there is no need for you to add sticker chemicals. It will then be absorbed by the plants quickly, like if you apply them 2 to 4 hours ahead of the rain, and the plant stomates are open, then, even if it rains afterwards, there is no need to worry as it has been absorbed, together with the foliar fertilizers that you mix together with it.

Most foliar fertilizers have only traces of copper, so it is not a problem mixing with other foliar fertilizers. What AZ41 is incompatible with are copper hydroxide such as Kocide, and copper sulfate such as those of the blue-colored fungicides. It would render the solution ineffective if you mix them together.

Copper based products are also known to cause fatal reactions on sheep. Copper sulfate for example are generally safe for humans and mammals, and I regularly swim in it in most swimming pools, but the copper are not good for sheeps and aquatic vegetation. AZ41 when used as directed has only very few traces of copper, equal to that normally found in the environment.

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