Originally Posted by JoeReal
We noted that it is INCOMPATIBLE with copper-based products and AZ41 itself has no significant amount of copper to cause havoc on aquatic life. AZ41 has only trace contents in the ppm region, then you dilute it 250 to 1000 times .
We recommend NOT to mix any copper containing product during the spraying because it can render both products, AZ41 and the copper-based product, ineffective.
One excellent property of AZ41 is that it has sticker properties because of its saponnins, a natural surfactant that breaks the surface tension of water and is able to wet even between the "hairs" of tomatoes and eggplants. Having a sticker property, you can mix it with other foliar fertilizers at the same time and there is no need for you to add sticker chemicals. It will then be absorbed by the plants quickly, like if you apply them 2 to 4 hours ahead of the rain, and the plant stomates are open, then, even if it rains afterwards, there is no need to worry as it has been absorbed, together with the foliar fertilizers that you mix together with it.
Most foliar fertilizers have only traces of copper, so it is not a problem mixing with other foliar fertilizers. What AZ41 is incompatible with are copper hydroxide such as Kocide, and copper sulfate such as those of the blue-colored fungicides. It would render the solution ineffective if you mix them together.
I have that Asian Pear which were attacked by Fireblight last year and I treated it with copper sulfate when it was dormant and applied again when the buds started showing. But I used also the AZ41 a couple of times.
And I did not see any wilting of new buds.
I was going to say that AZ41 helps but it maybe too soon to say.
Cooper sulfate did not eradicate the fireblight last year because the symptoms were there still although less excessive.
What I did not know is that AZ41 may have help to eradicate fire blight.
Or is it too soon to tell. My Asian Pears starting to bloom and form leaves at this time.