Originally Posted by Richard
Interesting ... My product will be for hydroponic injector systems and not foliar spray.
Our product can take care of root related pest and disease problems. Most common problems of hydroponics especially in greenhouses are mites, aphids, thrips, powdery mildew, bunch rots on fruits, and these can penetrate even the most secure greenhouses or screenhouses. That is when you would need our product to take care of the exposed plant parts and under those conditions, these tiny pests would proliferate without any plant protection. Unless you are growing completely submerge aquatic plant crops, then you wouldn't need our product.
Our product can be piped unto the tubes leading up to misting setup over the hydroponically grown plants to automatically spray every 15 days or month or so, depending on disease and insect pressure. We have some users doing such with their special off-season tomatoes, and he doesn't need a screenhouse nor a greenhouse, just the transparent roof to keep out the rains, and he's making a killing with his off-season tomatoes. And if such a setup is done, there is minimal labor cost and improve application, reducing the cost of using AZ41.