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Old 03-24-2009, 05:43 PM   #49 (permalink)
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Default Re: AZ41 - multi-purpose spray

Originally Posted by saltydad View Post
Joe- As many of my nanas are planted around my pond which contains fish and hardy and tropical plants, what is the effect on aquatics? I noted it has copper in it, which worried me about spraying near the pond. Thanks.

I dug out some files from our former researchers and found the following technoguide for commercial fish ponds in brackishwater. The commercial ponds in the Philippines do not have pond liners or expansive clay barriers at the bottom. Being used in commercial fish ponds, I can only say that AZ41 is very safe to use on your plants around your pond areas with some of it dripping into the water:

ROXAS CITY, Philippines

1. Dry pond bottom for a minimum period of one week. Allow it to crack.
2. Apply AZ41 by spraying or pond bottom until it is thoroughly wet.
3. In case of rain during or after AZ41 application, retain water for two days and slowly drain thereafter.
4. After first application allow it to dry in 3 days, after 3 days drying 2nd spray application is required, the dilutions is 100ml/16 liters of water (10 knapsack/hectare.). Be sure that the pond bottom is thoroughly wet.
5. After a day of second application, allow (sea water brackish water, fresh water) to enter to a level just enough to wet the pond bottom.
6. Maintain wetness of the pond and after 5-7 days apply inorganic/organic fertilizer and less 30% to the natural practice.
7. Admit water in minimal volume of 2-3 inches every two days. Daily enter of water is discouraged to avoid disturbance of lab-lab, the pond is now ready for stocking.
8. When desired water level is reached with the desired growth of lab-lab, the pond now is ready for stocking.
9. Stock of bangus/fish fingerlings into the pond at the a minimum volume of 2,500 pieces/ha.
10. Thirty days after stocking, dressing inorganic fertilizer and with less 30% to the natural practice
11. After 45 DAYS stocking apply AZ41 by dressing is beside to the pond with the dilution of 50ml/ 16 liters of water(1000ml/ha.)
12. Stock can be harvested after 3-4 months culture depending on desired weight or size


I. Product Features:
- Ease application
- No need to mix other compounds
- No foul odor
- Fast result 2-3 days application
- Long lasting with residual effect

II. Product contents
- Fast natural growth hormones
- Macro & micro nutrients
- Complete natural vitamins
- Probiotic Enzymes
- Soil conditioner

III. Effect on pond bottom
- Increase organic matter content
- Produce thick blue green lab-lab (brackishwater algae fish food)
- Produce good quality of lab-lab (brackishwater algae fish food)
- Produces 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation of lab-lab
- Prevent bottom pond acidity
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