Originally Posted by CookieCows
This sounds like Frontline for plants! LOL
Have you had anyone respond with this working on Japanese Beetles?
That would be interesting to know. The Japanese Beetles can easily fly off at the slightest disturbance so they can escape the sprays. AZ41 kills insect pests on contact and the continupus application through the growing season, AZ41 helps build the resistance of the plant against diseases and insect infestations. Perhaps the number of JB feasting on your plants sprayed with AZ41 would significantly decline.
I planted a lot of geraniums which are toxic to JB, so I never see any JB in my yard for a long long time and so never had the chance to try AZ41 on them. I spray my geraniums with AZ41 and they are very vigorous, giving me pretty blooms and no JB.