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Old 04-22-2009, 09:17 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Joy Tennesseeans (and others) to invade Raleigh NC on 4/24!!!

(Me and Frank travelling to Raleigh, can you hear the
Beverly Hillbillies theme song playing in the background!?!?!)

Hey all!!! Just wanted to let you know that BigDog and I will be travelling to Raleigh on Friday (4/24) for the Southeastern Palm Society's spring meeting at the JC Raulston Arboretum on Saturday the 25th. We will be checking out several nurseries while there, Big Bloomers, Plant Delights, and any others we have time for!!! If anyone is planning on attending this meeting, or live in the Raleigh area, let me know as I hope we are going to be able to meet up on Friday night for a little get together and say hey!!! Kinda of a way to be able to put a name with a face, finally...
BTW, the SPS meeting is always open to non-members and are welcome to come. They always have a pretty interesting plant sale/swap during the day, so if you come, bring something if you got it, or pick something up if you don't!!!

Hear is a link to info on the SPS spring meeting:

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