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Old 04-22-2009, 06:38 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default banana plant burnt?

hello everyone. me and my partner have a container grown banana plant, about of 2 years old, really nice considering we have bought it as a very small plant. since then we changed the pots twice as the plant has grown, the last just recently (40cm pot) and since the plant started to show rough edges and its leaves starting to dry out.
The plant was never on direct sun light, but recently after the pot change we moved it next to the window, so maybe it has caused it to "burn". When replaced to the new pot, we had to cut some of its roots, as another small banana started to grow next to the big one and their roots mangled together. After this the plant started to behave visibly "ill", after some of its leaves were accidentally crushed, resulting sliced leaves and now it is almost as it has been burned by something hot, its leaves showing dark, dry patches, even in the centre, where new leaves grow out.
I have attached some images to my gallery, hope someone can help an advise what to do and how to save our banana plant.
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