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Old 04-29-2009, 03:48 AM   #5 (permalink)

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Default Re: Tissue culture in the UK

Originally Posted by marksbananas View Post
I am very intersted in this tissue culture and i have read the threads on here and i have to agree there is not that much info on the internet, gabe provided a wealth of information tho, but i do not understand when do you quarter them as in gabes diagram i noticed that it shows keep quartering them so that you get many plants fromt he one source but at what point do you quarter them. Also i am intersted to hear from anyone in the uk who has treid tc in the UK and where they got the items needed from here in the uk as the kits that are avaliable are from the US and shipping works out quite expensive.
Is it right if you micropro or tc a banana then you basically end up with clones of that one plant and they will all do the same, ie flower at same time etc
Thanks in advance Mark
They usually need at least 1 month of growth between subcultures (quartering), but if you can't get around to it right away they can hang out for awhile without much consequence.

What I tell people who ask about how to tissue culture bananas is that they need to do their own research about tissue culture in general and make sure they are well familiar with all the basics and what it actually involves and the theory behind it. Once that is all understood I can help to how to tissue culture bananas specifically, but it's very difficult and confusing to explain the process of tissue culture of bananas when people are only interested in getting more banana plants without understanding what is involved in the basic process with any plant in tissue culture. Its sort of like I could give you some pointers on how to drive a specific car model, but if you don't know how to drive any car, then anything I tell you is pretty meaningless until you know the basics of driving cars in general.
Growing bananas in Colorado, Washington, Hawaii since 2004. Commercial banana farmer, 200+ varieties.
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