I have an Orinoco here that I got from a fellow forum member that has been growing great. It is on its fourth leaf.
The Fifth leaf started about 2 weeks or so ago but the plants growth seems to have stopped as the leaf is only protruding maybe an inch. -bananers
Hi bananers, I had the exact same problem with my super-dwarf cav. that miraculously over-wintered here in zone 9-10. We got down to 32F trice!
This is a pot bound super-dwarf 3ft. tall. All of the leaves died except the newest four. As spring approached and temps climbed back into 70's during the day, it took a wopping 3 months to push out a leaf!!!
The leaf would grow than stop, grow than stop (cold evening temps of course). Finally, it spit out a pup that began growing rapidly, but the new leaf on the main psuedo never emerged more than 90%. After freeing the soil and fert (repot) still nothing.
Finally I put my nuclear-dirt-thermo-pH-thingy and whoa! 8.5 on the richter. No wonder, that much akalinity was preventing any nutrient uptake. Well I sprinkled in a little "organic sulfur pellets (90% slow) and a little "pH-Down" (instant)--and BAM--she's off and running again at 6.0pH.
P.S. check real good for spider mites, give it a little-little shade, check your chloramine/chlorine levels in the water, and set me up with-a dwarf jamaican friend.
Anyways, hope this helps and good luck.
Chris in FL.