Re: My 7K sunroom addition
The bottom 2x12's were needed due to the distance spanned
The top could have been 2x6's, but on th eback I opted for 2x12's to match the lower roof. Basically to put more insulation I went all 2x12's, heating costs are not going down
The great room has a 12' cathedral ceiling
I guess I could grow nanas indise - maybe not enough light
Scaffolding is a huge help
For the sunroom I rented a drywall lift - $22 for 4 hours use
The fun part will be doing the siding on the front & big side
There are (3) 16" LVL beams in the garage that hold the middle support wall up. They are just over 24' long & I estimated their weight at close to 200# each. It was very interesting getting those in place. I had offers to help from friends - but that would haven meant waiting for a weekend . And I woudl have felt bad taking one of their weekend days when I was out of work
Cathedral ceilings make a huge difference in the way a room looks
It really makes a room look huge
Keep up the good work