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Old 05-16-2009, 11:41 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Default Re: More female, Less male flowers?

Originally Posted by Gabe15 View Post
You could do something like that but adding more female flowers or taking away male flowers wouldn't do anything. The best way to a get seeded bananas to form a possibly edible fruit would be to try spraying the young developing fruits with an auxin. This has been done before to induce pulp growth in normally non-edible bananas.
Bob, absolutely what I meant. Something in the way of Banksii I suppose, although i have only heard of that cultivar here on the forums. I'd also like to add a better description of the "Reverse" product. I am still looking for credible research, however. But I think this info will aid my exposition.

Dutch Master Reverse uses Phospholipids that have been shown to stop male flower maturity. Dutch Master Reverse is engineered in a unique way so that is can, in most cases, stop hermaphroditic plants from exhibiting male traits and flowers.

Reverse has a fast knockdown action against already existing male flowers in addition to the prevention of male flowers forming. You can use Reverse when you want continuous flowering. Once a female flower is polinated it sets fruit or seed and the blooming stage of the plant is slowed or ended.

What does this mean? By eliminating males flowers you are eliminating seeds? By using Dutch Master Reverse you don't have to reduce your nutrient strength substantially like other products or experience the severity of plant drop that can often occur. This type of product is responsible for the marketed "seedless" varieties of cucumbers, watermelons, and other curcubitz.

P.S. Seedless watermelons huh? I have always wondered. But its like I asked before, just what kind of toxins are we consuming with our fruits and vegs from the grocery store? Seriously, I want to still be able to have kids one day!

Last edited by proletariatcsp : 05-16-2009 at 11:49 PM.
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