1st bananas arriving Thurs or Friday
I was thinking might be slow shipping, but they went USPS Priority which means 2-3 days. So they could be here tomorrow
2 Dwarf, Basjoo, Ice cream: Shipped in pots about 5-8 or 10" tall, 3" pot
I did a search on transplant & came up with 6 pages
I read thru a lot by I'm still uncertain on transplanting
My plan at present:
Initially allow them to recover from shipping
No direct sun - water as needed
Wait 5 days & allow them to recover & start growing
1st transplant - to what size pot?
Is it better to put them in a big pot right off the bat?
IE instead of say a 7" pot, then later to a bigger pot?
Do they like being in a smaller pot when they are smaller
I have a few pots that are 15" across & about a foot tall
I have MG potting soil - not organic
These will be planted outside, probably in pots the 1st year
Then brought into the greenhouse or garage for the winter
My 1st year with the greenhouse, not sure how warm it will stay out there