Re: blue a pot???
To get a bunch of IC in a 25-30 gal pot is pretty good!!!
I had mine planted inground last summer & put it in a 30 gal in Oct & grew it at a southern window. By April, it put out 2 "funny" leaves because it was rootbound. I got a 65 gal 'smart pot' & put it out on north side of house to get acclimated. It went into shock & all leaves fell down. After 16 days, it recently sprouted a new leaf. I was going to put it inground again, but I don't want anymore transplant shock.
In my thread "need a new pot ASAP' (under this one) I will post pics of moving it to its summer spot yesterday.
Pete is right...there are better choices for a potted nana. IC is just too much to handle when big.
Got a lite?
Patty in Wisc has sadly passed away 9/05/11. We will miss you Patty.