Re: Mom and her pups
It quit producing nanas at the end of Oct, the temps dropped fast last year. There are seven small but pudgy nanas and two more that are way small to become fruit. But since placing the tree outside, at the middle of where the pod was, another nanna emerged....i'm not really sure what to expect, this is my first! This ....and I swear this is the truth, last year I was angry moving all the time to different places and carrying this tree around and it never produced anything, I walked past it, verbally said since you dont do anything other than take up room and light from the other plants, I think this year you are going to die. That evening...I know you wont believe this..but it is the truth, a pod developed! I dont believe in this stuff but i dont believe in coiencadence was just one of those weird things I guess. I dont even try to understand it anymore all i know is I dont want to see the leaves moving by themselves, my mom had a tomato tree whose leaves moved when the air was completely still....thats to weird for me.
Also have several pups from this tree and am hopeing that they will have fruit before fall comes, I'm giving them lots of compost, food the only missing ingredient is the sun, it's been dark here for many days with only short spurts os sunlight. Temps are only hanging into mid 60s daytime, 40s at night and its June now...afraid its going to be a cold summer.