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Old 06-04-2009, 05:25 PM   #8 (permalink)
Patty in Wisc
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Default Re: best privacy screen

Austin, those curved thorns are Flying Dragon P. trifoliate...wicked stuff!! The problems here are mostly having privacy from being stared at though.
Bob, my yard is similar to yours. I wouldn't be as intimidated by them as my neighbor so I would prolly say something like..."why are you staring at me?"
I ignored my neighbor so he kept staring till one day I turned to him & politely said "I can't work when you're staring at me. I can't work when ANYONE is staring at me" and he started laughing but he turned away for awhile- for that day. He thinks he's invisible - like I didn't notice? Let them know you are aware of them staring & you don't like it. Maybe plant something to block their view?
Tog, if you were here, this guy would never have bothered me LOL. Any 'male' presence woulda worked, crazy one - even better.
When he moved here I just broke up w/ a guy & lived alone. On my days off I was siding my house & he positioned himself to stare where ever I was. Always trying to start up conversation - demanding attention. I was polite but then he did not like my ignoring him so he told his daughters (young teens, preteens & one about 9) to watch out for me & stay away cuz I'm a lesbian WHICH I AM NOT. They were afraid of & looked at me like I was from Mars.
21/2 yrs ago I took few pics of a sick plant in sunroom - it just got dark...I used my flash. Loading them in puter 1/2 hr later cops rang my doorbell. Asked if he could come in I said "sure, what's up?" He had his hand on his cuffs ready to slap em on me. Said neighbor called to say I'm IN HIS YARD TAKING PICS and he has a restraining order on me! (This tells me he was watching me inside from his yard) I saw a paddy wagon & 2 squad cars in front ready to take me. I started crying & told him about the sick plant & he could look at pics I just took. There was NO restraining order on me & I was NEVER in his yard in 15 years!!! The cop patted me on back & said don't let this guy get to you & suggested I move. They talked to him & left.
Gotta stop now - I'm having a panic attack. GRRRRRRR
Got a lite?

Patty in Wisc has sadly passed away 9/05/11. We will miss you Patty.
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