Re: best privacy screen
C'mon Jarred, sounds like you have a good story!
My neighbor is on SSI & has nothing else to do but be obsessed w/ what I do. Someone said he had a brain injury yrs ago. He is CRAZY!! His wife is a cross between Tiny Tim & Miss Piggy & hardly ever comes out of house. She heard me tell a cop that her husband stares at me, so she cut her long stringy hair to my length & dyed it blonde (like mine). She's down 2 quarts-- & only holds 3.
Why do they have to live next to me???? They are 'raping' our tax $$ & both are physically capable of working.
Got a lite?
Patty in Wisc has sadly passed away 9/05/11. We will miss you Patty.
Last edited by Patty in Wisc : 06-04-2009 at 11:31 PM.