Okay, not really gardening, but it is for growing. PVC prices bottomed out and I ordered 2,100 feet of 12" diameter line to have all of my irrigation supply lines underground and to make it easier to irrigate my alfalfa fields. I've been using 16" poly lines (a roll-out line that inflates under pressure), but coyotes really tear it up and this causes big problems when I discover new big leaks in the line when I'm pumping 2,500 gallons per minute! The 12" PVC lines have risers for each alfalfa "check" strips 27' - 39' wide so I can more readily get the water into the sections that need it. My partner I farm with on other ground next to my farm brought his excavator over to dig our trenches 48" deep so the lines are covered 36" deep. There were some expected obstacles in the way, such as large 12" high pressure (1200 PSI) natural gas distribution lines so we must make sure we know where we are digging! After a few more days of installing, I'll be up and ready to irrigate my alfalfa. We just finished baling up our second cutting.