Soft area on leaf stem and fallen leaf
Hi, I am a first year banana grower and have an Ice Cream that is some 4 ft. tall now, growing outside in a partial shady spot. It has been growing quickly without any problems since I set it out back in March. It was putting out a new leaf yesterday and when I checked it today there was the new leaf all broken over and the stem has a soft, bruised liked, spot where the leaf broke over. There is no sign of chewing just a weak soft spot. Is this a disease or deficiency? If so what should I do to save my plant? I amended the soil last fall with lots of compost and rotted chicken manure that sat all winter before I planted the nana this spring. We had a good rainy spring and I put some 5 lbs of cotton seed meal around the base about 2 weeks ago. We've had no rain for over a week now so I watered it good two days ago. Should I cut this leaf off below the soft spot? It is a well formed leaf and full size. Should I try saving it by splinting it with a piece of wood? I am not sure how to upload photos to this site but I can take a picture of it if that will help and if someone can tell me how to upload them to this site. Thank you.