More and more initially unknown Musas seems to belong to the M. itinerans ‘complex’
Some imported seeds of
Ensete turned to be a different species that was initially named as
Musa ’Yunnan’ and later:
Musa itinerans ‘Yunnan’
A nice blue banana
becomes available as
Musa “Burmese Blue’ and now is classified as:
Musa itinerans var guangdongensis
A giant banana from Yunnan was commercial available as
Musa itinerans ‘Gigantea’ and now is reclassified as:
Musa itinerans var. xishuangbannaensis (I am not sure if it is now a full species)
Last a nice middle red-stripe leaves banana is now available as
(sunshine seeds)
Musa itinerans ‘Indian Form’
Are there any other Musa itinerans variety?
The only adult M. itinerans I have is ‘Yunnan’ and has proved me to be hard in my zone 9a.I would like to know if the other forms could be as cold hardy as this one.
Any experience?